Hey Geekers! Today I am joined by a lifelong friend of mine as he discusses one of his favorite books: DAWN by Elie Wiesel! My friend, a musician and town planner, tells us how he experienced the book, why it is a must read -especially with the current events - and what we can learn from this unique novel.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Non-Fiction: Hitman
Hey guys, I want to talk you about a book that I read years ago, around 2007. It's a non-fiction book titled Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling, by Bret Hart. Now, even if you're not a wrestling fan, this is a must read for ANYONE looking for a fun read to get their minds off their everyday lives, and step into the shoes of the wacky world of wrestling. Trust me, the characters Bret Hart met will blow your mind. Aside from getting a great laugh, this book will also inspire for a better life and will inform on the real world of business (wrestling is a business, in the end, not a sport).
Aside from being one of the most successful wrestlers of all time, Bret Hart is also one of the greatest writers I read. His detailed-oriented style will keep you turning the page for the next insight into those weird, often risky adventures around the world.
I was immediately engaged into his story and I felt amused reading the whole thing. Bret Hart details his motivations for the decisions he made during his career, including the most controversial event in the history of wrestling famously called The Montreal Screwjob. He also goes into depth about his marriage and the multiple encounters with women he met on the road. Bret comes across as honest, straight to the point, and humble.
One of the passages that came across as particularly fascinating is when details the events leading up to The Montreal Screwjob and how he knocked out his boss; something rarely done in the world of business (but that many dream of doing).
It is not a book that you have to read from cover to cover, I go back to it every now and then and randomly pick a passage.
The book expanded my perspective on the world of wrestling and enlightened me on the world of business in general.
One of the most valuable lesson I learned from the book was to stand up for myself when I feel wronged, and no to lose my integrity during my journey towards my dream, which can surprisingly hard.
The book is so well detailed that I feel like I know the author from the inside out, that's how personal Bret Hart's voice is in the book.
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé
The Seeker's Guide by Elizabeth Lesser
Hey Geekers! Today we go 'inside.' that's right The Seeker's Guide by Elizabeth Lesser is a guide for life, not by dictating what we should do, but by sharing her experience with teachers, family, and life situations. This is a must-listen episode for anyone who wants to know more about this fantastic non-fiction masterpiece, and most importantly, PICK IT UP! :)
The Don’t Quit Poem
Hey Geekers, given the current circumstances in France, I want to re-post a poem I shared with you before, The Don't Quit Poem (author unknown). I know it will inspire you. It is one of my favorite, I still think about it and read it when I need to. Poems have the ability to change our moods and mindsets. They have such a grip on our spirits.
Poetic words are a balm to our souls.
God Bless France, and may Peace emerge around the world.
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow–
You may succeed with another blow.
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow–
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor’s cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor’s cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out–
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit–
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit–
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
– Author unknown
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé
Getting Real
Hey guys, a while ago I wrote a post about dating (Truth In Dating), and following events I experienced this week, I decided to post another blog about that same fascinating subject. Now, although I have been with the same person for the last five years, in no way I am an expert in dating. I’ve had my share of failures in that field, and I did say a lot of stupid things in the past. Writing about it is much different from being in the game. I get that. But, I also think that being in the same relationship for a while brought a new perspective on how I was, and also the world around me.
I chose GETTING REAL by the Susan Campbell because aside from being a great book, the title matches perfectly what I want to share.
My colleague and I ate dinner with a married couple last Tuesday. Although it was the first time we met them, my colleague insinuated that he was single.
“A friend of mine is looking for a serious relationship.” The brown haired woman across the table said to my colleague. "If you want, I may introduce you."
After she showed him a picture, none of us could deny how attractive she was.
“You know, I am very selective when it comes to women,” my colleague said to the couple sitting in front of us. “In fact, I want three things: A nice face, a bubble-butt, and a nice personality.”
Though lucky that I didn’t choke as I swallowed the last bite of pork, I rolled my eyes, incredulous to what I was hearing.
Driving back to the training center, we chatted about the conversation. It turned out that my colleague had been single for more than two years, and hearing him talk about his ‘type’ of woman, I couldn’t help myself.
“You know, you’re like a woman who still believes in Prince Charming and whose criteria demand that the man is rich in famous.” You live in Lala Land. I wanted to add, but I held myself back.
To me, this colleague of mine is the perfect representation of the stories we tell ourselves when we are single for a long time. When I told my sweetheart what he said as criteria, she shook her head. “He should get a blowup doll.”
Knowing what I know now about relationships, there isn’t anyone who will be the ‘perfect’ lover. Trust me, there are things that my other half despises about me, and she has her flaws as well. To me, we may wish for a man who is tall, dark, and rich, but we might connect best with someone who is short, white, and ‘moderately’ handsome. :) Speaking from experience, I would rather live with someone I have a true connection with, as opposed to anything else. My wife does not wake up with her hair done, her make up on, wearing heels.
This attitude really irritates me at times now. Is it because I realize I was the same way as my colleague? Maybe. Sometimes I want to put a bag over my head because I look back at some of the stuff I said. But hey, that’s life.
I would greatly recommend GETTING REAL by Susan Campbell to improve your dating life. I love this author and she deserves to be mentioned. Her advice can really bring clarity to men and women. Single or in a relationship. It’s sad that most of us don’t get to learn more about relationships from our parents or school, as we grow up. We could avoid much grief as adults.
“All we need is a genuine curiosity, an openness to experiment, and a willingness to experience with awareness whatever comes up.” - Susan Campbell
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé
When They Say Goodbye
Hey guys, have you read Take Me Home by Nancy Herkness? (Current #1 Amazon Bestseller) What about The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King? That's right this week we talk a controversial, but common, subject: Divorce! As an inspiration for so many stories, novels, and non-fiction books, I called a friend of mine, a lawyer, to talk about it. Strap your seatbelts, because this is an episode that could change your life in a positive way! :)
The Media And My Fight For Confidence
Hey Geekers! Today we have an unusual guest for our kind of show. That's right: a Radio Host! Why a radio host? Because books are all about expression, and books are about entertainment as well as inspiration. That's exactly what you're going to get today. Elsie had a peculiar path to her passion, she will share her struggles with confidence, she will talk about books that changed her life, she will tell us how she finally found her calling, and more! An uplifting episode!
My interview with Ghaan Ima! (French)
Hey guys! Here's the interview Author Ghaan Ima did on me. I loved her questions, and I know you will love them too. She goes in depth about my life's decisions concerning my writing career, my plans, and my struggles. The original interview is in French, but we will translate it in English. If you want to know more about me, this is great interview! :)
Have a good read!
Fréderic Byé est un jeune auteur qui a récemment décidé de se consacrer à l’écriture. Pour tous ceux qui hésite encore à franchir le pas, son témoignage pourra peut-être vous décider ^-^
Hello Fred! Lorsque je t’ai connu à Montréal, tu venais tout juste de quitter ton emploi pour te consacrer à l’écriture. J’ai été très surprise ! Peux-tu nous en dire un peu plus sur cette décision ?
Cela faisait deux ans que j’étais conseiller financier et je me posais beaucoup de questions sur le sens de ma vie. Je n’étais plus certain si ce domaine était pour moi. À cette période, j’ai décidé de consulter un coach pour entrepreneur à Yes MTL, à Montréal. Je lui ai dit que je voulais démarrer ma propre entreprise. On a parlé de différents sujets, et il m’a demandé ce que j’aime faire, tout simplement. Instinctivement, je lui ai dit que la seule chose que j’aimais était écrire. À cette période, je voyais ceci uniquement comme un hobby, un moyen d’évacuer mes émotions. Je ne pensais pas vivre de ceci, et je ne me suis jamais vu vivre de cet art de toute manière. Je m’attendais à un rire, ou bien à ce qu’il me dise comment il est impossible de vivre de l’écriture, mais il ne l’a pas fait. Il m’a demandé si j’étais prêt à écrire à chaque jour, et je me disais que je le faisais déjà. Suite à ceci, je me suis demandé si j’avais tout l’argent nécessaire, qu’est-ce que je ferais? J’ai finalement accepté le fait que c’est vraiment ce que je veux faire. La peur et les doutes étaient présents, mais à cette époque, n’importe quoi était mieux que ce que je faisais. C’est à ce moment que j’ai commencé à écrire mon premier livre et quelques mois plus tard j’ai décidé de quitter le domaine des finances et assurances.
oO Tout quitté? mais du coup, tu faisais comment pour vivre?
Lol. Je n’ai pas travaillé pendant 4 mois, ensuite je suis devenu entraineur à mi temps.
Franchir le pas, n’a pas été trop difficile, tu n’a pas eu peur à certains moments, connu le doute?
Absolument que j’ai connu le doute et la peur, je les connais encore, aussi le découragement, mais à un certain niveau, il faut faire confiance à la vie. Je ne veux pas être dépendant d’un chèque de paie, d’une compagnie ou d’un patron. Avec le temps on apprend a`vivre avec l’incertitude. On ne vit qu’une fois, et mon plus grand regret serait de regarder en arrière et de me dire que je ne suis pas allé au bout de mes rêves.
Alors pour réaliser tes rêves, tu as un plan de bataille? Une stratégie pour réussir un jour à vivre de ta plume?
Oui. Grâce à mon expérience dans la lutte et dans les assurances, j’ai appris beaucoup sur le monde des affaires, et je vois que ça me permet de comprendre plusieurs choses que d’autres ne comprennent pas. Je n’ai aucun problème à mélanger mon art avec faire de l’argent. Ça semble être un problème pour beaucoup d’artistes. Je comprends qu’il y a deux parties distinctes de moi, le businessman qui est rationnel, et l’artiste qui a besoin de s’exprimer. J’étudie constamment le monde des affaires du côté de l’écriture, et je compte le faire toute ma vie. Je travaille aussi sur la mise en marché de mon premier roman.
Cela n’a pas été trop dur de convaincre tes proches que l’art peut avoir un côté business et que le projet n’est pas si fou?
Pas ma conjointe. Elle m’a toujours supporté, ce qui est un gros PLUS. Je ne l’ai pas dit à mes proches tout de suite de crainte d’avoir ces réactions de peur comme tu mentionnes. Je n’avais pas besoin de ça. La journée où j’ai quitté mon travail, je l’ai dit à mon collègue et ami qui connait un auteur célèbre. Sans s’intéresser à ce que je voulais écrire, il m’a simplement pointé du doigt et dit »Tu ne feras pas d’argent. » J’avais oublié cette règle très précieuse: Quand tu veux faire quelque chose, garde-le pour toi pendant un moment, et fais-le tout simplement. Peut-être un an et deux mois plus tard, m’a mère est tombée sur mon manuscrit. Je m’attendais à ce qu’elle ait sa réaction typique de peur, et qu’elle me rappellerait toutes les raisons pour lesquelles ce que je veux faire est fou. Mais non! Elle m’a encourager à le faire. Je crois que la retraite lui a fait du bien.
Pas aux miens lol! En tout cas, tu as réalisé un rêve que nous sommes beaucoup à avoir. Dis-moi donc comment se vit cette vie de rêve? A quoi ressemblent tes journées type?
Je travaille toujours comme entraineur à temps partiel. Comme je veux publier un autre roman, j’écris chaque matin vers 5hoo am ou 6h am, en général. Je consacre au moins 30 mins à la création, surtout lorsque mon horaire est chargé. Ensuite, je m’occupe de mon podcast THE BOOK GEEK disponible sur itunes, aussi sur mon blog,THE GEEK BLOG sur fredericbye.com. Je m’aperçois que mon cerveau est souvent plus apte à créer le matin, donc l’après-midi je me concentre plus sur le côté business (mon site internet). Le soir, habituellement je lis.
Ça c’est un super programme! Oui, c’est connu qu’on est plus efficace en se levant le matin très tôt. Plus créatif, je savais pas ^^. Du coup, les podcasts et ton site internet font partie de ta stratégie pour réussir un jour à vivre de ta plume?
Absolument. Aussi, je compte publier deux autres romans que je donnerai gratuitement sur amazon (oui il y a un moyen de vendre son livre à 0$ sur amazon) afin que les gens puissent me connaître.
Et les prochaines étapes? I am trying to pick your brain comme on dit chez toi…
lol. Edition professionnelle de mes livres. Finir ceux que je fais en ce moment. Publier mon premier livre en mars 2016, qui sera un mélange d’érotisme et d’inspiration. J’aimerais publier mes livres gratuits pour janvier. Ensuite, continuer à progresser dans mon podcast et mon blog, continuer à apprendre sur le monde des affaires dans le monde de la littérature.
Et ta stratégie pour être éditée, j’ai cru comprendre que le système est différent au Québec (agents, éditeurs freelance…)
Je prendrai un éditeur indépendant, qualifié, et qui a déjà édité dans mon genre et des livres qui se sont rendus dans le NY Bestsellers. Je paierai d’avance.
Quand tu regardes en arrière, qu’est-ce que cette expérience t’as apporté sur le plan personnel ?
Elle m’a permis de m’exprimer pleinement, pour la première fois de ma vie, je suis tout a fait a la bonne place. Les questions existentielles que j’avais dans le passé ont disparu. De plus, cette expérience me permet d’en apprendre beaucoup sur moi-même, mes faiblesses, ce que j’aime écrire… Après avoir terminé une histoire, ou bien même après une séance d’écriture dont je suis content, je me sens épanoui. Peu importe que l’argent ait une place ou non. Pour moi, le plus important est que mon travail me représente, et qu’il soit une extension naturelle de ma créativité, de mon ‘intérieur.’
L’épanouissement, (finalement) de ma créativité. Je peux tout être à travers l’écriture, je peux être amer, joyeux, pervers, romantique.
L’épanouissement, (finalement) de ma créativité. Je peux tout être à travers l’écriture, je peux être amer, joyeux, pervers, romantique.
Si tu n’avais qu’un conseil à donner à quelqu’un qui se lance à la poursuite de ses rêves, ce serait?
Simplement d’y aller. Des fois, à mon avis, le plan se crée quand on a déjà pris le premier pas. Lorsque je me suis lancé, je savais que je voulais écrire et ce que je voulais écrire, mais je n’avais pas de plan précis. Il se crée au fur et à mesure. Assure-toi aussi de faire ce que tu fais pour les bonnes raisons. Même si nous voulons tous nous enrichir, est-ce que tu ferais ce que tu veux si tu n’étais pas payé? Est-ce que c’est quelque chose que tu ferais même si tu ne devenais pas célèbre? Aussi, assure-toi que tu as le vouloir et l’humilité d’être novice, d’apprendre, et te consacrer tout d’abord à faire des petits pas. Ceux qui ont voulu faire des pas de géants trop tôt. échouent bien souvent (incluant moi). Alors simplement, de commencer petit, et réussir les premiers pas.
Beau conseil, surtout pour quelqu’un d’impatient comme moi ^-^. Enfin, as-tu une actualité à partager avec nous, un projet dont tu souhaites nous faire part?
Oui bien sûr. Les gens peuvent visiter mon site web fredericbye.com. Chaque semaine j’ai un podcast disponible sur itunes appelé THE BOOK GEEK. Mes invités proviennent de toutes les sphères de la vie. On parle beaucoup de littérature, évidemment, mais aussi de sujets controversés. La semaine dernière, j’avais une invité musulmane et c’est un des épisodes les plus écoutés. Pour un temps limité, lorsque les gens s’abonnent à mon site ils reçoivent un téléchargement audio exclusif et gratuit de ma conversation avec l’auteur JF Dubeau.
Je prévois publier mon premier roman en mars 2016, ainsi que deux autres que j’offrirai gratuitement à leur détaillant en ligne favori. Mon genre est un mélange de sensualité, spiritualité, et inspiration. C’est pour un public averti (18 ans et +).
De plus, je publie un blog régulièrement sur fredericbye.com et j’y partage mes découvertes, mes difficultés et opinions! Suivez-moi sur facebook à Frederic Bye et twitter @byefred
Merci ghaani
Merci Fred! hâte d’avoir enfin dans les mains ton premier roman ^^ PS les français, Fred écrit en anglais pour l’instant mais son style est tout à fait abordable et l’écoute de l’anglais Québécois est très facile pour les français, de quoi vous entraîner tout en vous faisant plaisir ^^
Dune Novel With Author Ghaan Ima!
Hey guys! Love sci-fi? Today we review the classic sci-fi novel Dune by Frank Herbert! I am joined by 'Les Larmes Du Dragon' author -and friend- Ghaan Ima. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show as we chat about a book that is to science fiction what Lord Of The Rings is to fantasy, according to the Library Journal. An insightful episode!
Truth in Dating
Hey guys! Thanks for anyone who listened to the show about Islam this week. It was one of the most listened episode for THE BOOK GEEK SHOW!
I browsed through the books in my library and stumbled upon a non-fiction book I read ten years ago. A time when I was pissed off, lost (I must admit), on the world of dating! In fact, I believed I knew nothing about relationships and women, and I wanted to learn more. Back then, I was living in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, and I strolled into a local used book library looking for tips on dating. I must admit, as a young man I didn't want anyone to know that I was looking for this type of information. Our egos sometimes work in odd ways.
Anyway, I picked up this book from the shelf and started reading. After a few minutes of sitting comfortably, a couple walked by me and the man, for some reason, asked me what I was reading. No stranger had ever spoken to me when I went to this library, except on this day...of course. I remember flushing like there was no tomorrow, sinking in my chair. My skin is a mix of half white and half black, but I'm sure my cheeks turned bright red in a matter of seconds. I knew because beads of sweat suddenly popped on my forehead. After expressing a shy smile, I showed them the book, and they (the couple) both grinned with a glimmer in their eye. Maybe they thought how cute it was to see how shy I was.
Nonetheless, I brought the book home and finished it in no time. I loved it. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it! Basically, the book goes through the process of dating: what goes in our minds, the will to impress the other person -even if you're not entirely telling the truth-, and it addresses the emotional pain we haven't dealt with.
Most importantly, it talks about going through the process without losing our authenticity. Susan Campbell did an amazing job at writing this book, and I am sure it helped countless people around the world.
The most useful lesson I got from the book is the importance to stay 'in our bodies,' in other words, the importance to remain present. Also, to detach from the outcome; is she/he going to say yes or no? How many of us are stuck with the unbearable fear of rejection? This book will help you, guaranteed. And for the first time you might enjoy going to dates, instead of dreading them.
"When you make it your intent to simply be present, fears about the outcome disappears." Susan wrote on page 77.
Another thing that I got out of her advice was that dating, in reality, is just a game. Play! Play! Play! Become a child again. There's nothing really serious about it. Are you attached to the outcome when you're playing? No. The same goes here. Try it. You might be surprised at the results.
Anyone (couples and singles) who is looking for a mature approach to not only dating, but also long-term relationships, should read this book. Dating is so hard nowadays, and stressful, that we need a realistic approach to it. With countless single people, this book can really help everyone of us to a better relationship life.
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé
The Truth About Islam With Rimel Mehleb
On the Book Geek show we are not afraid to touch on the hot subjects. And today we talk about Islam! I am sure you read the papers, the news, and the countless books on the matter. My friend Rimel is Muslim and she was kind enough to be open about her spirituality. We talked about all the controversial topics: the association with terrorism, the treatment of women, their attire, and more… Geekers, join us for a one-of-a-kind conversation with a great person (and writer).
Inspiration from a photographer with Valérie Tiffault
Hey Geekers! Love picture books? Today I speak with the photographer from my wedding, Valérie Tiffault. Why is she on a show about books? Because as you will learn, a picture is similar to novels: it's about capturing the moment and exposing the emotions. For you geekers who love picture books, or if you are looking for your life's purpose, this is your show. Her simplicity, honesty, and down-to-earth-ism, are nothing short of inspiring. Join us! You can find Valérie at http://www.whiterosesphoto.com/ :)
How To Make Living With Your Writing
Hey guys, as many of you know I wrote my debut novel and it is now ready for the final editing process. The novel is a blend between inspirational and erotica. I want it to be out by March 2016. In the meantime, I am also completing two other novels that I will give for FREE at your favorite online retailer so you guys can know more about my style.
To better myself as a writer, but also as a person, I read all the time. It is the reason why I am doing what I am doing, right? I wanted to share with you this book written by Joanna Penn, one of my major inspirations as a writer. I finished it last week, she gave it for FREE at your favorite online retailer, and although it is non-fiction, I felt the urge to share it with you.
As many lovers of books are often people who would also like to write, this book is a must read for all of us. Joanna walks the talk. She is open about her struggles, fears, her journey, and she gives us many tips to make our dreams come true: to write for a living.
I love that she mentions how it is important to hang out with the people we want to be like. I love her honesty on how her income is split. She describes the importance of scalable income as opposed to being paid by the hour. She gives you a glimpse into the reality of the business so you can better position yourself to the type of career you want to have.
This is a book that I will go back to, and I will make sure to read her other books on the business of writing. Her work inspires me to keep going, and pursue my dream too. It is possible, because people like Joanna are willing to share their secrets.
Anyway, I just needed to share.
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé
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Do You Really Like Shakespeare?
Hi guys! Quick drop-in. I just wanted to ask you if you ever read Shakespeare? The reason I ask is because he is probably the most read writer in history. When I made the decision to become a writer, I went to the library and picked up a collection of his works. I brought the book home, read a few lines, and put the book aside.
Now, in school when they wanted us to read these kinds of books, I could never finish them. As much as I love to read today, I didn't read a full book until I was nineteen! For some reason, when someone obliges me to read something, I struggle, I have zero fun. That's what happened with him.
For a while I thought I was abnormal for disliking Shakespeare and, to be honest, I just think it's boring. I never dug the 'Act 1, Act 2' type of works. When I picked up the book at the library, I hoped to be 'enlightened,' finally the lightbulb would come and I would appreciate the kind of genius this legendary writer is. Maybe I could learn a trick or two about being a great writer and this would influence me to push forward.
Nothing of this happened. Notta. Nil. Zilch. I thought the work was boring still. I was ashamed of it until an acquaintance, who is an experienced reader and who owned a library for many years, told me how she also thought Shakespeare was boring. In fact, this former French teacher told me the reason Shakespeare is so popular and read throughout the world is because it was instilled in schools eons ago.
For the first time, I felt better about myself. As much as I respect Shakespeare's works being published five hundred years after his death, I will stick to my Stephen Kings, Paulo Coelhos, and Henry Millers, of this world.
As fans of fiction, do some of you feel the same way? Do you appreciate Shakespeare's works as much as history does?
I would love to hear your thoughts.
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frederic Bye
Singing: My Life With GABBY GRACE Part 2
Hey guys, here is the second part of my conversation with GABBY GRACE! She talks about how she overcame her shame about her voice, what role writing had on her self-discovery and confidence, her journey from non-spiritual to Christian and the impact it had on her singing career, and more… A can't miss episode! Her passion is indescribable
The Winner Stands Alone Novel, Part 2 With Gabby Grace Preview
Hey guys, today I share with you one of my favorite novels of all time: The Winner Stands Alone by Paulo Coelho. This book opened my eyes to the world of show-biz and showed me the good, the bad, and the ugly of the behind the scenes. I know it will do the same to you. Join on me on this podcast as I go over the book and share what I loved most about it. Also, I give you a glimpse at this Wednesday's guest, PART 2 of my interview with SINGER, SONGWRITER, GABBY GRACE! :)
The Little Prince
Hey guys, I just wanted to drop-in to talk about the latest novel I read this week: The Little Prince of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The little book was recommended to me from an acquaintance. She told me how this book is a classic, the likes of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, or even The Shack by WM Paul Young. Apparently, everyone on the planet read that book except me. I felt utterly uneducated when everyone I asked, "Have you read The Little Prince?" answered, "Of course, you didn’t?"
After reading the first twenty or so pages, I put the book aside to do other things. I really didn't get into it. After meeting my acquaintance a few more times, she asked me if I had read it and each time I sighed, answering "no, I didn't"
Finally, as the book kept popping into my head, and the number of people who told me they had read it kept growing, I became determined to finish it once and for all.
As I turned the pages, I kept anticipating the 'haha' moment, a moment when I'd get completely hooked by the story and where I would learn wisdom the likes of The Alchemist. As I struggled to finish the book, I kept giving it the benefit of the doubt; after all, this is a classic! Everyone read it! The reviews are amazing! It is said to be an enlightening book where I would get life lessons, right? The kind of book I love.
To my dismay, the 'haha' moment never came. I finished the book in two days, which is a long time for the number of pages this book contains. Unfortunately, the positive reviews were not enough for me.
This book was written for children. I didn't get the 'wisdom' I was looking for. Everyone told me they read it when they were in school; even people my age. Where was I? Maybe if I had read this book when I was ten it would have had a better impact on me. But now, blaaaa, nope.
I would never compare that book to The Alchemist. Ever. It was an ok read. It was not great. The language was childish, which wasn't a flaw, but it was not for me. The way the author explained explained the story was too simple for me.
As I write this, I conclude that I am simply not the audience for this kind of book. It may not be a 'bad' book, but it will remain on the shelf at the library as far as I am concerned. I question how other adults may have found this book 'great' or 'enlightening.'
Have you read it? What did you think?
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé
Singing: My Life With GABBY GRACE Part 1
Singer, song writer, GABBY GRACE is with us! Strap your seatbelts because you will be enlightened by her wisdom, passion, and intensity! In this first part, she will go into details on how she faced bullying as a local YouTube celebrity, she will also talk about her love for singing as she was growing up dreaming about a legendary career, the pivotal moment when she discovered her dad’s old music records (led zeppelin, metallica, etc…) and more...
This is a can't miss episode!
Singing: My Life, The Michael Jackson Tapes
This week's subject is SINGING! On today's show Fred gives you a glimpse at this Wednesday's guest: singer/songwriter GABBY GRACE! Her passion is contagious. He also reviews a book that enlightened him and he knows it will do the same for you: The Michael Jackson Tapes! This book is must-read if you want to get a peek into one of the greatest minds in history!
Guest M-E Higgins: How Christianity Helped Me Find My Life's Purpose
Today Fred chats with Marie-Eve Higgins. In this fascinating and intense conversation, Marie-Eve discusses the death of her mother, her transition from non-spiritual to Christian, her journey to find her life’s purpose, and more. Her answers will enlighten you,and help you answer your own questions. Garanteed. It’s definitely one of the better shows I’ve done.
EP8: INBF Champ And His Wife!
2014 INBF EASTERN BODYBUILDING CHAMP with us! His wife shares her secrets on how she lost over 100 pounds! Annie, his wife, goes into details about her weight loss, her struggles growing up overweight, and what she does to maintain her fit body. Rocelyn Secours Jean, bodybuilding champ, shares his secrets to get maximum results out of your workout. This is a can't miss episode.
EP7: How She Lost Over 100 pounds, Ageless Body Timeless Mind...
Today Fred reviews famous book by Deepak Chopra, Ageless Body Timeless Mind. Deepak advised many successful people like Michael Jackson, Hilary Clinton, and Lady Gaga. This book is for anyone wishing to improve their overall wellbeing. Plus, Fred gives you a glimpse of this Wednesday's episode with 2014 INBF Eastern Bodybuilding Champion and private trainer, Rocelyn Secours Jean and his wife Annie Gosselin, manager and mother.
The Don't Quit Poem
Today I want to share a poem I know will inspire you. It is one of my favorite, I still think about it and read it when I need to. Poems have the ability to change our moods and mindsets. They have such a grip on my spirit. Poetic words are a balm to my soul.
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
- Author unknown
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé
EP6: The Myth Of The Stay At Home Moms With Johanne Naraine
ATTENTION MOTHERS! Today Fred chats with Joanne Naraine, a stay at home mother turning entrepreneur. Now that her children are entering college, Joanne has to find a new career path. In this insightful conversation, Fred and Joanne talk about how she met the father of their children, she addresses the myths associated with stay at home mothers, and what her plans for the future are.
I learned an important lesson the day of my wedding, a week and a half ago. Like many of you, I consider marriage an important moment; a once in a lifetime event. To our joy, everyone present seemed to have a good time and went home happy...with one exception.
My cousin, my ''brother'' didn't attend. Why? Because there was miscommunication as to the time we were supposed to celebrate. Yes. You read correctly. Not only did it hurt me, but I thought how ridiculous this was. He is someone who is supposed to be a model, someone who is supposed to support you during the best and the hardest of times, someone who should be your ally.
After the event, I laid on my couch, looking up the ceiling, as everybody else was sleeping. My hands tucked under the pillow, my lips pressing together, I thought about the people who get into an accident, or get sick, and suddenly die, disappearing forever. And he's not going to come to an event like this because of miscommunication?? Because to him it is a matter of "principle?"
What's scary is my situation seems common. Some people told me stories about their parents refusing to attend their wedding because it was not taking place in a Catholic church. Another one told me her sister refused to attend after an argument about the kind of food they were going to serve. Lately, a distant relative told me her father didn't attend her baptizing because he wanted to hurt her mom.
When it comes from a close relative, it hurts more than anyone else. Moreover, the other party is often not even conscious of the effect their actions have. Family is important, it is great to have them around, but sometimes (or often?) certain members of our family are just a pain in the ass.
PRIDE. Especially males. We love to feel like we are wanted, that our presence is sacred. We love to have our ego flattered, petted. Maybe deep down he didn't want to attend. I'll never know.
Our bond is broken; he did something that will never be fixed. Deep down, however, I am not even mad at him because in this equation he is the loser. He is the one who decided to stay home.
The lesson? As Wavy Gravy quoted, "We're all bozos on the bus, so we might as well sit back and enjoy the ride."
Rethink some of your principles. Life is way too short.
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé
EP5: Rich Woman, Stay at Home Moms, Independence
This week's subject is about stay at home mothers. As Fred reviews Kim Kiyosaki's book Rich Woman, he shares what he and his wife learned about women's independence and how it can help you . He also shares two stories that lead him to talk about today's subject, and he gives you a glimpse of this Wednesday's conversation with Stay-At-Home-Mom, Johanne Naraine.
Over five years ago, before I met the woman I married last Saturday, I stumbled upon a poem in the book <<The Seeker's Guide>> by Elizabeth Lesser. To this day, this is my favorite poem. I thought it perfectly summarized what I wanted in a woman:
"It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.
It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon.
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be faithlessand therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see beauty even when it’s not pretty, every day, and if you can source your own life from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”
It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children.
It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.
It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments."
I found that woman.
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé
EP4: How Cooking And Traveling Changed My World With Economist Linda L.
Today Fred chats with economist, cook, and traveler, Linda L. They talk about the impact her passion for cooking and traveling has on her personal growth. They go into details about her conservative background in Guadeloupe to her career shift from economist to cook. Linda will also share her views on the importance to live life according to our own terms and desires.
I'm Married...What???
I got married last Saturday. I was never into marriage; to my generation marriage doesn't mean anything anymore. Why? We witnessed our parents lie, cheat, and steal as they were married. The ring around our finger doesn't change much about one's personality, except that it looks good and shiny. The vows, the promises, everything marriage represented to our parents...come on, they no longer exist. How can they? We are in a society where we want everything quick, easy, and with no effort. Why bother to maintain a relationship when it's so easy to simply find another partner?
The truth and the matter is, I found out that if I wanted my dreams to come true I needed a mature, sane, constructive, and consistent relationship. It was not a 'maybe,' it was a 'must.' Then, with God's grace, I met J. We built our relationship and went through many difficulties in the last five years. When time for the wedding came, I felt confident about our decision; I felt safe and I trusted her. But then again, at that point, if she would have told me she changed her mind and didn’t want to get married, I would have been fine with it. It just was not that important to me.
Long story short, we tied the knot in a quick ceremony at the City Hall; the whole thing lasted ten minutes. Then we had an evening with friends and family. By midnight, everyone went back home their stomach full and satisfied with the restaurant we chose.
As I am getting use to the silver color around my ring finger, a strange, fulfilling feeling came over me the next morning. I'm married! Really? Me? Married? No f'n' way. For the first time in my life, I feel I have a valuable, noteworthy relationship. For the first time, I feel I have a real partner, someone to live this adventure called Life with me (and I with her). For the first time, I feel she is my woman and I am her man, we are a team, and we will support each other through thick and thin, as clichéd as it may sound. I feel more powerful in my relationship, and in the world in general. The fact and the matter is, I am forever grateful to have such a powerful, confident woman by my side, who knows her self-worth.
Not only that, as I looked at the pictures of our special day, she is beautiful. Sooooooo beautiful. Man. I made it.
I am happy, confident, and powerful.
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé
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