Sunday, May 24, 2015


We all have jobs, or receive an income from some entity. Some of us are engineers, others actors, others writers. But are we really doing what we want? Are we doing the things we were meant to do on this earth? If not, what are we willing to risk to achieve them?

Depending on which part of the world you come from, your answer will vary. In some cultures, the sole purpose when you’re a woman is to give birth and take care of the family. Women accept this principal and don’t look any further. Other places, the main goal for men is to provide an income to also take care of the family. For example, I remember telling certain people in my family in Gabon that I chose my work simply because it’s my passion, and I was met with a few sneers.

It is my belief that here in America, the question of finding our life’s purpose is much more important than other places. But how many of us are actually pursuing it?

Each of us are in different situations, some have 24-hour care children, others are still in school, while others have so much money they don’t know what to do with it. Given our differences, our fears also differ.

For example, when I quit my job as a fitness trainer I didn’t know what was going to come next; all I knew is that it was time to leave. The same thing when I decided to become a writer. Though there was a part of me that knew it was time to dive into it, the other part was afraid; in this competitive world there are no guarantees, am I going to fail? Am I ever going to make a dime with this thing? 
What about those who have been writing for years and who still are trying to get a break? Our minds often trick us into wanting to know the outcome right away, as if the path should reveal itself before we step into the unknown.

The solution? For me, I had to learn to live in the present and get over my fears. I had to trust in a higher power that if this is what I was really supposed to do on this earth, then everything would be alright. In the end, I found out that the results will take care of themselves, and the only work we really need to do is our spiritual work, the inner work. The outside will follow.

Are you willing to break the mold and take a risk? We live only once.

“As within, so without…”
-          Hermes Trismegistus

With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé

1 comment:

  1. so true...Thanks for the inspiration (again) it makes me think about my life


Who is Frédéric Byé?