Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Sabotaging Monkey

monkey_on_my_back_by_nintendo_nut1-d3dee8yHave you ever been on the threshold of success, you know, something you’ve desired and dreamed of since forever, and suddenly it is staring you right in the face? Just as you are about to grab the brass ring though, a little monkey - let’s call it Winky – suddenly emerges from the depth of your subconscious and squanders everything. How does Winky do it? It leaps on your back and shouts every possible negative talk at you. As though emerging from a calm sea, all your insecurities blast out of the water: “You’re not good enough!” “You always mess everything up!” “Don’t even try…you’ll fail!”
Whatever your shadow is, or your fears are, Winky will shout them aloud. Winky is very smart, you see, it waits…and waits…and waits…calmly, you won’t even notice it. But then, when the Moment Of Truth comes, Winky makes itself known, and it is on a mission…to make you fail. It wants you to fail miserably, and remain trapped in the same pitfall you’ve been in for as long as you can remember.
That little nasty, cunning, animal, is a reflection of our past. Its words are the words we’ve accepted as our identity. Our environment, our family, our friends, TV, internet…all these have an influence on our minds. All of us will face this Moment Of Truth at some time or another. Whether it is meeting the client who will turn our business around, a book we are about to finish, or the opportunity to date the person of our dreams, Winky will show its ugly mug, try to squander everything…and laugh at you in the process.
With that being said, there are ways that I have found to tame that little monster. Recently, I learned that when it comes to certain situations – politics, money, religion, sex, etc…- the conscious mind suddenly vanishes to allow the subconscious mind to emerge. Our minds are like an iceberg; the conscious is the tip and what lies underneath the surface is the subconscious. The real game of life is played in the latter part. Whatever we haven’t dealt with, whatever we tried to bury pretending that it didn’t exist, rushes back to the surface and the boat drowns…along with all its promises.
The most important work we can do is self-work. Self-work is daily work. Stuck in traffic? Let’s see how you react. Do you get angry? Do you insult the other drivers? That’s an opportunity for self-work. Small, seemingly unimportant situations precede important ones. That is just a law. Before you hit the brick wall, you’re probably going to stumble upon the bump on the road.
I learned in my own life that the best time to work on my insecurities is during calm periods, the ones when I feel powerful and good about myself. It’s like insurance: When the crisis occurs, it is too late.
Insure yourself beforehand; become aware of your impulsive reactions, even the small ones. When the Moment Of Truth comes, you’ll be prepared for every possible outcomes, and that’s a confidence booster. Winky will probably attempt to jump on your back again, but it won’t stay long. Winky is smart, but you can outsmart it.
Do your self-work, it’s worth it.
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frederic Bye

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Q&A With Vampire Author Viktoria Faust! (Part 2)

With great reviews for her latest novel, Beauty Of The Beast, Viktoria Faust’s work has been labeled “captivating”, “a fantastic story”, and “a five-star page-turner!” In this fascinating and insightful second part, Viktoria talks about her experience with war in Croatia, what she discovered about herself as she wrote her novel, what she believes to be her life's purpose, and more.

The theme of your novel is about how quickly someone can lose their humanity. I imagine that when you experience war, you perceive life differently. How so?

We all know the story about the two wolves; one good, one evil. The one you feed survives, the one you ignore turns into a werewolf. No one is all good or all evil. If you ignore one part of you, it can grow like cancer. Throughout your life, if you believe that you are good and, in order to survive, you’re forced to do things you've always considered evil, you can break down and give up on the good in you. Good people can do horrible things. Also, those who seem like good people can be real monsters. Nothing is black or white, nothing is as it seems at first glance. I really don’t like to talk about war, especially now, 20 years later. I don’t want to remain trapped in that time period; mainly because many are unable to move forward with their lives due to the horrible things they lived through. I was a lucky one. I never lost a family member, my house was not destroyed, I was not tortured, raped or forced to watch the murder or rape of my family members. I have no rights to talk about war in those terms. I know people, however, who suffered and moved on. I know what it’s like to embrace the dark side, and what it feels like to embrace the good and be human again. That’s all I’ll say about that.

Wow. That’s deep. How did writing this novel help you through that period in your life?

Everything in life affects my writing; regardless if it’s a sunny day or a rainy day. I always try to view life as a positive influence on my writing, even if I have a hard time seeing the positive at that particular moment. I was 19 when war began. You know how young people are - they all think they are invincible. In these situations, you learn fast that you are not invincible. We spent most of those years hiding in basements as air raids threatened the city; sirens would go off twenty times every day and we would rush to our house. Given the frequency of the alerts, my sister and I decided to make a room for ourselves in the basement. We had our books, notebooks, and pencils; I turned to writing as my only refuge. War was bad but it forced me to become a writing machine. If I had been given a choice, I might have turned out like other girls that age - going out, partying, having fun. But I was a girl hiding in the basement, writing. It became an addiction. Now, I can write anywhere, anytime; during air raids, on park benches, in pubs… name it. Been there, done that.

Viktoria seems to be a character who “wants to escape. She is looking for the way out. When the opportunity presents itself she grabs it, no matter what the cost.” That’s interesting, are you a little bit the same?

Absolutely. I was that girl. Viktoria manages to escape war in her little town. I did that also. We both find “Damian” (a powerful vampire in her novel.) My Damian in real life, however, was my novel.
Both Damians did miracles for us. They gave us the opportunity to do things we believed we couldn’t do.

What is your creative process? Do you write at the same time every day, or do you write sporadically?

I wish I could write every day. In Croatia, authors cannot make a living from writing alone. Croatia is a small country with a population of less than 4,5 million people – it’s a very small market to sell books. Few people buy books, especially horror novels. With that being said, many readers swear I’m one of their favorite writers. I was surprised to hear that there are waiting lists for my books in libraries. Yes, this is me bragging, but I just want to say: I’m not an unknown writer. They gave me the title “Croatian Horror Queen.” Well, this “Queen” has a day job, writes when she can, usually when family is off to bed, or when she manages to have some time for herself. When I’m working on something that requires more time, like a novel, I like to write every day in order to maintain the rhythm and remember the details of the story and the characters. When I manage to have time to write, it is a very good day. Writing makes everything better.

How did the passion to write come to you?

I guess I was born this way. Around twelve or thirteen, I wrote my first “novel” (I would not want anyone to read the story!) and I still have it. I had written a few stories before that time but I lost the notebook, unfortunately. I began writing after reading a book I loved and couldn’t put it down. For a long time I couldn’t remember the title, but I knew it was about a boy who ripped the devil’s tail off and made him his servant. I waited for Google to be invented to discover which book it was: Jan Bibijan by Elin Pelin – a Bulgarian children’s author. It is still my favorite novel. I wrote my first story based on what I remembered from the book. I liked the idea that I could create new stories and, from that day, I became a writer. I guess I always had this tendency to play with the devil.

We often say that writing allows us to discover more about ourselves. Is this your case? If so, what did you discover?

Of course. Writing does that. Every new situation changes us; it makes us stronger or it brakes us - if we allow it. Writing can break a person too. Writing is like wrestling with a dragon. You know what you want - to tame the dragon - but sometimes the beast won’t give up. Then you must reach inside to find new strength. That is why I don’t believe in writer’s block: writer’s block means you stopped trying harder. Sometimes I don’t feel like writing, reading, or watching movies, (or even something more horrid - doing house chores). Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that I have readers block or “doing house chores” block. It only means I don't feel like doing it.

What does a typical day look like in the life of author Viktoria Faust?ImageViktoria_Faust

Most of my days are similar to any Croatian woman: I wake up at 6 AM and go to work from 7 AM to 3 PM. Fortunately, my workplace is a few miles from my apartment. My job, unfortunately, has nothing to do with books. At 3 PM I pick up my four year old at kindergarten, I come home, and cook dinner (unless my hubby mastered a new recipe or burned the kitchen down...kidding!). If I’m lucky, I don’t have to wrestle with that horrible creature, Dora the Explorer, on my computer. If I’m not lucky, I have the laptop for myself at about 9 PM, and I write until my eyes shut down on their own.

Given your life experience so far, what do you think is your life’s purpose?

To write. I define myself first as a writer. I have been through a lot and, to me, to write is to be alive; nothing makes me feel as alive as writing does.

As artists, our work conveys a message. What is that message? Moreover, if you could share with us one major life lesson, what would it be?

Never give up. Never surrender. Hardships pass. Hardships shape us. I always try to make my characters strong, although I don't believe in happy endings. I believe in the mixture of good and evil. In the end, our life is just a memory we leave to other people. Throughout life, a person builds his/her own tombstone and he/she can only work on making sure it's an impressive one; it is the only thing we leave behind.

Where can we find you? And where can we buy your novel?

I live in Samobor, Croatia. It is a small town near Zagreb. Just like Pozega (the city I grew up in) inspired me for my first vampire novel, Samobor is now an inspiration for new monsters. Here, we have werewolves, soul-eaters, enchanted malls that lure small children... you know, the usual things for a small town in which horror writers live.
Here are few places where you can find my vampire novel Beauty Of The Beast, the first in a serial of seven. The book is available as a paperback and eBook:

Do You Have A Passion? Click Below

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THE BOOK GEEK: The Whisperer by Donato Carrisi!

Q&A With Vampire Author Viktoria Faust! (Part 1)

With great reviews for her latest novel, Beauty Of The Beast, Viktoria Faust’s work has been labeled “captivating”, “a fantastic story”, and “a five-star page-turner!” In this in-depth two-part interview, author Viktoria Faust opens up about the creation of her vampire novel and her fascinating life story in Croatia.

Hi Viktoria, we’re honored to have you here! Can you summarize the book Beauty Of The Beast?

First of all, this is a book about vampires. I love vampire legends since I am a kid. This book is, however, also about how quickly one can lose his or her humanity. It’s about not giving up and fighting against all odds to overcome life’s hardships. It’s about a girl and a boy with ambiguous personalities.

Where did you find inspiration for the character Viktoria?

I guess I found it in myself; that’s why I gave her my pen-name. The book was written two years after the war in Croatia and I projected my own feelings of despair in it. I was trapped in a small town during wartime, not knowing if there would be a future for me. I was young, in my early twenties, and I wanted to do so much in life. So my female character feels the same as I was back then: She wants to escape. She is looking for the way out. Therefore, when opportunity presents itself she grabs it, no matter what the cost.

Who is your favorite character from your book and why?

Christopher. He is a tragic figure. He is boy who wanted everything and when he got it, he realized it has its cost. He is the one who deserves to be loved, but he was betrayed constantly during his life, and also during his after-life.

How about your least favorite characters? What makes them less appealing to you?

Dreyfuss. He is a weak character but he thinks the world of himself. He does not hold back to reach his goal, even if it means destroying things he knows nothing about. He is deus ex machina (term from old Greek plays meaning: when something unexpected happens that changes the course of the story) in my novel, his actions trigger events that others want to push back.

When you’re writing, do you use any celebrities or people you know as visual inspiration for the characters? If so, have you got any examples?

I create my characters using Victor Frankenstein’s way – I’m taking bits of people I know and create someone new. I never had a character who is exactly like someone I know, but there are bits of people from my life in all my characters. I guess in every character there is little bit of me.ImageViktoria_Faust

Give us an interesting fun fact about the creation of your book.

I wrote it anew three times. The book was narrated twice in the first person and once in the third. Only the characters and Yolanda’s story remained the same after each draft. I wrote the first version of the novel in 72 days. I rewrote it until year 2000 (first version was written in 1994) when it was first published in Croatia. It was a long novel, about 260 000 words. For the English version I shortened it – now it’s “only” 165 000 words. I tend to overdo when I like characters, so I decided the story would be a serial. I’m writing the third part right now, and the fourth part is yet to come.

If you could change ONE thing about your novel, what would it be? Why?

Oh, I hope I’m done changing it! This book has been with me 21 years now, and I consider it adult, mature. It’s time to come to terms with its mistakes.

What was your journey to getting published?

You must know someone who knows someone. Only then people listen.

What is the biggest myth about being a novelist?

That it will make you rich. After 30 published books and 30 years of experience I still have my day job and I write only when I have some free time. To have pocket money from my writing is a rare commodity.

Who influenced you as a writer?

There are a number of great Croatian writers. Old ones like Zagorka and I.B. Mazuranic were female writers when it was strange for woman to be a writer. I like Jules Verne; no one should spend his or her childhood without reading Verne’s work. My first reads were vampire stories from LeFanu, Stoker, Byron… Some people say that my vampire characters are like Ann Rice’s, even though I read the Interview with the Vampire after I wrote my book.

What's next for Viktoria Faust?

Writing the third part of my vampire serial (half done, in progress, depending on free time). I am also writing a sequel of a children fantasy serial (also half done, and also in progress). I also have three other books that I started; they are waiting for – free time!

How about a snippet from your book?Cover_Viktoria_Faust

Here are few pages:
Eventually he found a way to trick me into his games. He caught me in a moment of weakness and took advantage of it. But first I must tell you something about what I felt for Damian’s victims.
I was afraid of them. They were living and walking death. Death that made noises, laughed, made toasts with expensive wines from Damian’s cellar, doing whatever Damian wanted them to do. They were an everlasting reminder: Look, this is what awaits you.
I never tried to approach any of them. They were his and they were condemned…. I always fall in love so easily. I was falling in love with trees, stars and clouds. I was falling in love with books. With the little melodies Damian’s fingers dragged out of the piano. He was breaking my heart saying: This is Christopher’s composition. Once we played this together. Come and sit with me, he said. Let’s try it together.
I was falling in love with dead things, because everything that was alive died and I was doomed to suffer. I did not want to suffer. I did not want to feel.
I was calling them ‘the things’, those doomed, mortal lovers of his. The things. Things that had nothing to do with me, that can’t feel and did not seek compassion. Things that you could ruin and never think about twice. Things to possess and do whatever you want with. Things that can’t say thank you, or I love you, because they are things, dumb and deaf. Things.
But because I was afraid of them, I hated them. I hated them because they were things. So weak and fragile and dumb. Those feelings unfolded in me unknown cruelty. I wanted to hurt them, to prove that they were things or to prove to myself that I was not one of them and that I have power over them. I knew I could do whatever I wanted. Damian wouldn’t mind. Damian would be… on my side? Oh, Damian was always on my side, feeding my little wickedness, and the merciless ideas of my little mind, which had already developed considerably, and had become a sophisticated criminal mind, you know? Damian thought this was amusing.
But nevertheless I did not hurt anyone. At least not in the beginning.
But then I started to watch them. With yearning. They were like soap bubbles glistening with the light that danced on their surface. They were so close, only to be gone in the next moment. Like flocks of angels fluttering though old attics. Flighty likes shadows of ghosts. I was trying to reach for them to stop them, but they would disappear every time. Oh, how much I wanted to touch them! But it was like I lived in one world and they in another. I needed some link to bridge our worlds. And, I guess, most of all…
I was so terribly alone.
It happened in the oval salon, where anybody rarely lingers. It was beautiful. It looked like some castle-cathedral, with a mosaic stone floor, with an ornament in the middle. The walls and the dome were painted with scenes from Greek mythology. In cavities’ in the ornate pink, yellow and blue walls stood four white marble statues of Apollo, Aphrodite, Athena and Hades. Between each one of them was a massive door of ornamented walnut wood.
The salon ended with a strong crest and dome. In the high of the first floor there were balconies, and on the one of them, that night, I turned up to be.
I don’t really remember why I was there. The balconies could be approached from the first floor. They had white marble fences and were closed from the rest of the house with green velvet curtains. I pulled the curtains and entered.
He stood there, turning around just like he was standing in an empty cathedral, staring at the statues of the saints. He could not see me; I was standing in the shadow. But I saw him so clearly. I had that feeling… Like I was the hunter prowling on his prey, watching it, knowing that it couldn’t see or hear him, and so he loiters for a second to relish in the moment, to embalm it in his memory. To save it for later, when he would remember the power he had over his prey.
He was young, maybe my age, maybe younger, I could not really tell. I cannot even remember his face. I know that he had long, blond hair, colored, it seemed. His eyes were brown. That is all I can remember. And as I try to recollect how his kisses felt it is something I have a hard time remembering. Like it happened to someone else, and not on account of me, and that lover was just an image I dreamed in some feverish dream. Unreal.
The first thing I noticed and surprised me was that he was wearing Damian’s clothes. But he did not really look like Damian, although they were the same height and were similarly built. He was like someone who had put on a costume for a show, in which he would play the role of some mythological hero.
I watched him for a long time. He walked around the auditorium, gazing at the painted scenes, coming closer and then pulling back, touching the sandal clad feet of the god statues, looking up toward their stone faces like they were miraculous healing statues. I watched him almost bewitch, like a spider, crouched at the corner of its net, watching the fly struggling and twitching and dangling in the silky threads. As I watched him, hidden in the shadow, leaning with my hands on the fence, I felt so lightheaded that in the end it seemed to me that the gallery was moving and trembling, and me along with it. There was some familiar and intimate flavor in the air…
“Quid iuvat aspectus, si non conceditur usus.”
His whisper was tenderer than the flutter of butterfly wings. I felt his breath on my nape and quickly I closed my eyes. For a moment I thought these were the words of some prayer, but then, like through a mist, their meaning touched my mind. I smiled and opened my eyes. Down there, the young man didn’t see us. I turned around.
“Oh? And what is that you are suggesting?” I whispered as gently as he did, just with my breath. He was watching my lips move slowly. His eyes were so sharp and hungry. On his cheek and forehead his veins became visible under his porcelain skin. I raised my head and softly touched those blue marks. He sighed and until then I didn’t think he was breathing. I did not understand the pathways of his pain.
I stepped back, but at the same moment he grabbed me and pulled me closer to him. This closeness was at the same time terrible, as much as it was good. He looked at my lips and my face like he was seeing me for the first time, but he avoided my eyes. He began to scare me. Under half-opened lips his white teeth flashed. I could almost imagine those fangs. I could almost imagine them on my skin.
“Take him,” he whispered and then pulled me even closer to him so I was standing on the tips of my toes, uselessly trying to pull away. His lips were so close that they almost touched me. And his breath, flavorless and unnatural, like the breath of the marble statues in the salon under us, disturbed me more than his touch. His predatory eyes looked like they could see every drop of blood that flowed through my body. They sought it with every flash. His fingers on my arms burned my skin. Dangerous. Dangerous. Dangerous.
“He’s yours…“ I didn’t hear the sound. Only his lips moved. The dark crowns of his long lashes trembled. His grip weakened a little. I dared to inhale.
His eyes slowly closed. Horror was screaming through my veins like they were not part of my body. My lips moved and my voice, strange and shaky, whispered:
“You’re giving him to me? Him, who you yourself want so much?”
A spasm disfigured his face, his smile tensed on his lips. But he did not open his eyes.
“Yes… I do…”
Against my will, the sound of his voice made me shiver. So terrible, wild and implacable was his desire.
Some kind of murmur, like when a cat purrs, passed his lips. He let his head fall forward, his silken hair touched my cheek, so soft and cold that I wished I could run my fingers in it, feeling its fullness. His lips fell on my cheek.
He was whispering fast and feverish. I could not understand the words. He was whispering words in Latin like prayers, like songs and like sweet curses. His hands went up on my shoulders. I was trying to free myself from his grip.
His fingers wrapped themselves in my hair. His hand was cold and unnatural. Hand of death.
It seemed to me like he was giving in to some inner insatiable instinct that did not care for rules or laws, because it knew nothing of them. That was what he looked like when his head hastily, but somehow lifelessly, fell down toward my neck, and his fingers pulled my high collar that was covering it.
“Damian!” I screamed. The young man down there looked toward us. The sound of my voice echoed and glided off the walls of the round auditorium. The sound of the footsteps. The door opening… closing…
I was wrestling with him, this strange white statue. I screamed again:
“Damian! Let me go! It’s me. Don’t…”
His arms let me go so suddenly that I lost my balance, lurched and ran into the balcony wall. My eyes were wide open in horror, my face pale, and my breathing jerky. I leaned on the wall, not daring to move. He suddenly turned his back on me, leaned his palms on the wall and hid his face in his upper-arms.
We stood like that for what seemed like eternity. The seconds were oozing like blood drops from an open wound. Pain was hungry. It existed from the beginning of the world, and it’ll exist when there won’t be one. There’s no a cure for it. There’s no nourishment that could satisfy it.
His hand moved, but he was still bent over, covering his face. His fingers reached for the green velvet curtains and slowly push them aside. Light flew in.
“I know it’s you…” his whisper was shivering in the waves of restrained passion. His fingers, so white, crumpled the velvet and the color between them looked poisonous. “Go now,” he said and leaned his forehead on the cold wall, like he was a mortal and his forehead was burning and he wished to cool it down with that everlasting cold stone. “Go. He’s been waiting. Take him like he’s…” his voice broke, the curtain slipped from his fingers and his hand made a motion. “Go, little sister.”
For a few seconds I was not able to move. I was staring at his crooked back. His hair fell down, covering his face, but it uncovered his neck and the vein at the side, terribly blue and pulsating. This was not right, I thought. This was not how it was supposed to be. This was not happening.
I tore myself from the wall, made one step, two, and then looked at him. His left arm was hanging like it was dead beside him. He wasn’t moving. It seemed like he wasn’t even breathing.
I pushed the curtains aside and stepped out.

Stay tuned for part 2! Viktoria will go into depth about her experience with war in Croatia, her creative process, what she discovered about herself as she wrote Beauty Of The Beast, and more!

Viktoria's novel is available here:


Barnes and Noble:




THE BOOK GEEK: The Whisperer by Donato Carrisi!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Monday, December 7, 2015

Q&A With #1 Bestselling Thriller Author Kevin Wignall!

kjw author pic 1With the film The Hunter's Prayer, directed by Jonathan Mostow and starring Sam Worthington and Odeya Rush, to be released worldwide in 2016, Kevin Wignall has been an author for the last fifteen years. His latest Thriller novel, A Death In Sweden, is already #1 in Amazon.

Can you summarize your latest book A Death In Sweden?

It’s about Dan Hendricks, someone who used to do dirty work for the CIA and knows they’d now like to silence him permanently.  He’s offered a job that might get them off his back but it’s not as simple as it seems – he has to find out why a man called Jacques Fillon, who recently died in a bus crash, went to hide out in northern Sweden.  Only problem is, the victim of the crash must have been someone else, because Jacques Fillon never existed.

Where did you find inspiration for the characters of Dan Hendricks and Jacques Fillon?

I can't really talk about Jacques because that would give away the plot. The inspiration for Dan was in a lot of the people who freelanced for intelligence agencies after 9/11, particularly those involved in extraordinary rendition (making people disappear to countries where they could be tortured).

Who is your favorite character from your book and why?

I don't really have a favorite, but it's always interesting to write about an enigma like Jacques Fillon whose identity is revealed little by little.

How about your least favorite characters?  What makes them less appealing to you?

Again, this is difficult, because you put the same effort into writing the bad guys as you do the heroes.  There are a few characters I wouldn't want to meet in person, but I still like them on the page.

When you’re writing, do you use any celebrities or people you know as visual inspiration for the ADIS 2characters? If so, have you got any examples?!

Very rarely.  Occasionally I'll use people I know as a rough guide.  Some years ago I wrote a short story about a psychopathic criminal caught up in a terrorist attack, "Hal Checks Out", and I kind of imagined him being Christopher Walken, but for the most part, the characters come right out of my own head.

Give us an interesting fun fact about the creation of your book.

The opening scene was inspired and based on a bus journey I made myself.  In fact, I saw a girl on that bus whose appearance I used as a model for the Siri who appears in the book (it's like I'm contradicting my previous answer!).  I dedicated the book to that girl in the acknowledgements, though I didn't speak to her and know nothing about her - so someone in northern Sweden has a book dedicated to her but has no idea.

If you could change ONE thing about your novel, what would it be? Why?

Not a thing. Don't get me wrong, if I started reading it I'd probably want to take a pen and start making edits, but I'm happy that I wrote the book I wanted to write.

What was your journey to getting published?

Well, I was first published a long time ago ("People Die" back in 2001).  I'd been talking about being a writer for a long time and finally realised I needed to just sit down and write a book.  So I did, sent it to an agent and got a publisher, remarkably simply - the years since have had their fair share of ups and downs, so it's nice to be in an "up" at the moment.

What is the biggest myth about being a novelist?

That it's miserable, that life is tough and you earn no money.  Okay, some of those things can always be true, but they can be true in most professions.  The bottom line is you're doing what you love, and you're doing it for readers, who are generally nice and well-informed people.  What's not to enjoy about that?

Who influenced you as a writer?

I think you're influenced even by the writers you don't enjoy, because they teach you what you don't want to do.  I suspect Graham Greene was quite a big positive influence on my writing.

What's next for Kevin Wignall?

"The Traitor's Story" comes out next June.  It's the story of a 15 year old American girl who goes missing in Switzerland and the disgraced British spy who agrees to help find her, little realising her disappearance might be linked to his own past.

How about a snippet from your book?

Sure, this is a short scene from near the beginning, which gives an idea of who Dan Hendricks is, how he's at the top of his game. He's just lifted a guy off the street in Madrid, a former defence chief who's been in hiding, and he's handing him over to the Venezuelan government.  Despite the air of calm control, Dan's own life is about to take a nosedive too -
The airfield was quite a way out of town and Martinez seemed happy to sit in silence, staring out of the window at a city that had been home but that he would probably never see again.  Dan thought of the way he’d looked walking with his son and imagined he was thinking of that, too, of the years that he would lose with his family.  It was too bad.

When they arrived, Dan left Charlie with the car and walked Martinez into the small office.  The three Venezuelan intelligence officers had been sitting drinking coffee, but all stood when they came in and seemed to treat Martinez with a degree of respect.  Dan guessed the man had been right to see this as the most favorable option, no matter what happened from here on in.

Martinez turned then and offered his hand to Dan, saying, ‘Thank you, Mr…?’

Dan shook his hand, but said, ‘Dan. You don’t need to know my other name.’

‘I thank you anyway, for making sure my son got home, and for not making it… difficult.’  He looked curious then, and said, ‘How did you find me?’

‘You left a trail, everyone does, very faint in your case, but still there. I just followed it.’

Martinez nodded understanding, and said, ‘So that makes me wonder if your other name is Hendricks.’

‘Like I said, you don’t need to know who I am. I didn’t do this. Have a safe journey.’

Join Kevin at or buy his book in Amazon.
kjw author pic 1Kevin Wignall is a British writer, born in Brussels in 1967. He spent many years as an army child in different parts of Europe, and went on to study politics and international relations at Lancaster University. He became a full-time writer after the publication of his first book, People Die (2001). His other novels are Among the Dead (2002); Who Is Conrad Hirst? (2007), shortlisted for the Edgar Award and the Barry Award; and Dark Flag (2010). The Hunter's Prayer was originally titled For the Dogs in the USA. The film The Hunter's Prayer, directed by Jonathan Mostow and starring Sam Worthington and Odeya Rush, will be released worldwide in 2016.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Q&A With #1 Bestselling Erotica Author Alex Lucian!

Alex Lucien_TemptingHey guys! Today we have a special guest: #1 Amazon Erotica bestseller, Alex Lucian! He was kind enough to agree to an interview about his latest erotic book Tempting. This steamy erotic novel promises to turn you on and keep you awake way past midnight, deliciously obsessed by its sinful nature.
Your book is the first of a series and is already #1 in Amazon, tell us what surprises we should look for in Tempting?
In the author's note, I was very up front about this not being the typical student/teacher story, and it's not. Even though I was honest about that, I think it still surprises readers that it's not the main conflict of the book. And being the number #1 book in Erotica was fairly mind-blowing to me; I never expected that. But I think readers are reacting to this being a different twist on a popular story.
Tell us where you found the inspiration for Nathan and Adele? Do you use people you know as visual inspiration?
Normally I wouldn't say, because I think everyone who reads the book will 'see' them differently than I might, but I have to admit to Amber Heard being my Adele. When I saw her in The Rum Diary, I thought she was pretty hypnotizing.
Haha! Who is your favorite character from your book and why?
If I said Adele's father, I'd be chased with pitch forks. No, in all honesty, I couldn't pick one. Adele and Nathan affected me equally while I wrote them.
Give us an interesting fun fact about the creation of Tempting.
I didn't listen to any music while I wrote Nathan's sections. For Adele's, I had an entire playlist. Listening to music enabled me to clue in my brain to which character I was writing--because Nathan's was always silence. My hope was to make their individual voices unique, but not a completely different writing style
Interesting. What can we expect from you in the future?
I have three more books planned in this series, all following characters we've already met in Tempting. One was only in there for a brief scene, but he'll be very important to Nathan and Adele's next book, Provocative, which follows Beguiling. Beguiling is Leo's story and while it goes in a more humorous direction, it will still be very sexy.
We will be sure not to miss this. How about a snippet from your current book?
It would be my pleasure, this is from Chapter 3, and is a small bit of my little vixen Adele at work:
I took a quiet breath in, inhaling his scent and the memories that came from it. And then I lifted my head just as the slacks came into my view.
I stared up at him and watched as his face changed. From indifference to confusion to awareness, he stared at me for a beat longer than he’d stared at any of the other students.
He turned his head to the left, giving me a view of his chiseled jaw and I watched as he clenched his teeth, the muscles around his mouth shifting, seemingly composing himself. His profile was strong, sturdy, and when his eyes turned back to mine they were devoid of everything.
“Why am I here, Professor Easton?” I prompted, my voice soft. My hand came up to the glasses hanging in my shirt and I watched his eyes follow the movement. One eyebrow lifted in reaction and he flicked his eyes to mine again.
“For you, of course.” My words were breathy and seemed to hold him still in my grasp.

Contact Alex Lucian at:

Thank you very much for your time Alex Lucian, we wish the best in your future and congratulations on your success.
With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frederic Bye

Rumi's Poetry

rumiRumi's poetry is so deep it touches a part of me that is unnamable. His sweetness, truth, depth, and soul, are incomparable. I know that for many of you poetic readers out there, Rumi is at the top of your list. His poetry is like a balm on my soul, and every time I read it it almost makes me weep, no matter what my mood is. Rumi's work enwraps my soul with its sweetness, as though tasting pure honey when my mouth is bitter.
I found some of his work on the internet ( and thought I might share them with you.

Love is the Water of Life
Everything other than love for the most beautiful God
though it be sugar- eating.
What is agony of the spirit?
To advance toward death without seizing
hold of the Water of Life.
Masnawi I 3686-87

The beauty of the heart
is the lasting beauty:
its lips give to drink
of the water of life.
Truly it is the water,
that which pours,
and the one who drinks.
All three become one when
your talisman is shattered.
That oneness you can't know
by reasoning.
- Mathnawi II, 716-718

The intellectual is always showing off,
the lover is always getting lost.
The intellectual runs away.
afraid of drowning;
the whole business of love
is to drown in the sea.
Intellectuals plan their repose;
lovers are ashamed to rest.
The lover is always alone.
even surrounded by people;
like water and oil, he remains apart.
The man who goes to the trouble
of giving advice to a lover
get nothing. He's mocked by passion.
Love is like musk. It attracts attention.
Love is a tree, and the lovers are its shade.
- Kulliyat-e Shams, 21

Passion makes the old medicine new:
Passion lops off the bough of weariness.
Passion is the elixir that renews:
how can there be weariness
when passion is present?
Oh, don't sigh heavily from fatigue:
seek passion, seek passion, seek passion!
- Mathnawi VI, 4302-4304

Because I cannot sleep
I make music at night.
I am troubled by the one
whose face e has the color of spring flowers.
I have neither sleep nor patience,
neither a god reputation nor disgrace.
A thousand robes of wisdom are gone.
All my good manners have moved a thousand miles away.
The heart and the mind are left angry with each other.
The starts and the moon are envious of each other.
Because of this alienation the physical universe
is getting tighter and tighter.
The moon says, "How long will I remain
suspended without a sun?"
Without Love's jewel inside of me,
let the bazaar of my existence by destroyed stone by stone.
O Love, You who have been called by a thousand names,
You who know how to pour the wine
into the chalice of the body,
You who give culture to a thousand cultures,
You who are faceless but have a thousand faces,
O Love, You who shape the faces
of Turks, Europeans, and Zanzibaris,
give me a glass from Your bottle,
or a handful of bheng from Your Branch.
Remove the cork once more.
Then we'll see a thousand chiefs prostrate themselves,
and a circle of ecstatic troubadours will play.
Then the addict will be breed of craving.
and will be resurrected,
and stand in awe till Judgement Day.
-No author mentioned

With Purpose, Passion, and Love,
Frédéric Byé

Who is Frédéric Byé?